Beep. Bop. Updates. Racer. Critterding. PARPG. OGA.
Attempts to rescue old forum files will go on until November 9, 2009, I will update you on that date or earlier. For now, there's a replacement of the FGD planet (let us know if blogs are missing)
I made two videos [one, two] of the alpha-stage-but-stable sci-fi racing game racer.
I also made a video (sorry for frame rate and encoding error) of the 3d-life-form simulator critterding. Not a game, but potentially entertaining ;)
PARPG's team is working on a level editor. There's new art too of course. Did you notice that awesome portrait over there -> ? I'm so impressed!
Speaking of graphics, OGA has some new featured art (East RPG monsters). It too looks *smart positive adjective*. Also some neat concept art (example).
I (qubodup) will be posting less (probably for the next 3 years). Busy much :) Remember that you can informally apply to become a freegamer reporter if you like :)
Category: critterding, parpg, racer