SuperTux Forum and January 2012 Level Contest
SuperTux level design mistakes to avoid
SuperTux just got a forum on and started a level contest.
- A snow tileset theme
- Submit your levels here until the 27th of January, when voting will start
- Voting on levels will end on the January 30st
- Winners will be announced January 31st
- Have fun
- One level per person
- Top few levels will/can be made into an add-on or
- If admins are okay with it top levels will get added to incubator island (if winners are okay with it - pick cc0 or cc-by-sa for your level)
- One entry per person
- Please make a new level. (not from and existing worldmap/levelset)
- Don't vote for your self.
- Voting will take place in a new forum topic.
- Feel free to comment on peoples levels, most people would like to hear what was wrong or good with their level.
Get the editor, read the editor guide (and just play around, as the guide is incomplete ;) ) and check out the style guide.
You can upload submissions in this thread.
Category: contest-content, genre-platformer, platform-linux, platform-osx, platform-windows, supertux